Welcome to the K-12 Online blog

This blog provides a forum for K-12 Online users to comment and make suggestions on how the product can be improved. It is our goal to continually improve K-12 Online and ensure that our product meets the needs of our users...school administration, staff, teachers, students, parents, PTAs and other organizations. This forum will also serve as a means to communicate and give ideas on how users have used K-12 Online to improve a process at their particular school.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

K-12 Online Updates 12/1/10

As a result of many requests from school's sub-admin to stay informed and not to bombard every subscriber with e-mail updates, K-12 Online has created a blog so you can stay abreast of all the updates as we roll them out throughout the year. 

We are currently working on "theme customization" which will allow schools to change the look of the site to match their school colors. 

We are also undergoing significant format changes in the SCP "Help" that will be easier to navigate.
